social media marketing

A Day in the Life as an Intern

A Day in the Life as an Intern

Hello, my name is Taylor, and I am a sophomore in college working on my degree in marketing. Over the summer, I worked as Shan Bates, LLC’s first-ever intern. In celebration of National Intern Day, I worked to curate some posts as I took over the business’s Instagram account.

Are You Up-to-Date?

Are You Up-to-Date?

The French have a term—au courant—which Merriam-Webster defines as “fashionable or fully informed, up-to-date.” While knowing and following the latest trends is essential to many, keeping your digital presence current is also critical. Read on for a checklist of ten items you can take on to stay au courant this October.

Social Media Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Social Media Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Social media marketing for small business boils down to building authentic and trusted relationships with customers. Follow a few simple tips to achieve a higher level of community trust and engagement.