Business Development

A Modern Calling Card

A Modern Calling Card

In the Gilded Age, society doyennes like Caroline Schermerhorn Astor and Alva Vanderbilt Belmont would leave a calling card when paying a social visit. These visiting cards were first used in 15th-century China, then later embraced by 17th-century British aristocracy. Leaving a calling card was an elegant way to announce an arrival to be seen by the hostess.

Benevolent Business Development

Benevolent Business Development

Seth Godin says, “It’s time to do something else with marketing. To make things better. To cause a change you’d like to see in the world. Who can you help?” This quote stuck out during a recent read of the famous blogger’s This Is Marketing. With this in mind, I’d like to share some ideas for organizations to consider a benevolent approach to business development.